My Book "Awaken"

Awaken - Accompanying Empowerment Cards

Awaken - Accompanying Empowerment Cards


Accompaniment cards to Awaken, A Simple Guidebook to Empowerment by Gini Eagle.

If you’re looking to connect quickly and simply to higher guidance when you’re feeling anxious and need to realign your energy field these cards are for you. These cards exude love and great vibes.

This superbly illustrated 22 card deck and booklet [artwork by Jo Howard] hold the energy of a wealth of experience about how to access your inner peace / power. Each card has an affirmation designed to remind you to listen to what your intuition is prompting you to focus on.

The author Gini Eagle has been on the path of awakening to higher consciousness for 25 years. The wisdom and self help practices are invaluable, if you are looking to gain more self-awareness, well being and trust in yourself and the universe.

You can also purchase Gini’s book Awaken - A Simple Guidebook to Self Empowerment which accompanies this card set, it provides deeper guidance and 22 practices for Whole Energy Balancing.

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